When patients consider injectable fillers, the lips and cheeks are most often what first come to mind. As a result, the chin and profile can easily get overlooked.
The unfortunate irony of it all is that the chin is actually one of the most integral components of aesthetic facial balance. Not only can a weak chin profile throw off facial symmetry and cause the nose to appear larger than it truly is, as we age our chin naturally atrophies.
This atrophy not only distorts the ratio of other facial features, but can result in unsightly wrinkles and dimples on the surface of the chin- causing you to look much older than you are.
Prior to the introduction of Hyaluronic Acid fillers in the early 2000's, the only way to correct an unbalanced chin was by means of surgery with silicone chin implants. In fact, during face lift and rhinoplasty procedures, many plastic surgeons would insist on including chin augmentation to such surgeries so that optimal results were achieved.
Thanks to advances in aesthetic medicine, there are now a number of ways to enhance and rejuvenate the appearance of the chin and jawline using only injectables- no painful surgery required!
Let me share some of my favorite ways to improve the appearance of the chin...
Hyaluronic Acid Filler in the Chin-
Chin filler is a super straightforward service I perform on my patients to improve the proportions of the lower face, contour the jawline and increase projection. Even better? Non-surgical chin augmentation does not take a ton of product to achieve noticeable improvement (typically only 1 syringe- 2 syringes at most) and can easily be added to any other injectable filler service- with virtually no downtime!
Chin Botox-
If projection or contour is not a concern, but skin texture on the chin is (aka orange peel appearance), we can simply inject a few units of Botox into the chin to smooth the appearance of unwanted dimpling or wrinkles. Once the full effects of the Botox kicks in, patients will notice a smoother and more youthful chin.
Double Chin Contouring-
If you want to eliminate the appearance of a double chin without having to undergo time-consuming liposuction, Kybella is an effective injectable specifically used to dissolve the submental fat cells which cause the appearance of double chin. I have seen beautiful results from this product here at my Med Spa in Chattanooga, and while this procedure may require multiple sessions, it is still less invasive than lipo.
With so many non-surgical solutions now available for your chin woes, there is absolutely no excuse to neglect it.
If you are interested in learning more on what chin enhancement can do for you, call 423-206-9500 and schedule your free consultation!